Friday, January 8, 2010

West Coast Peaches Returns

Well, it's been close to 2 years since my last blog. I won't even begin to attempt to play catch up with all that's happened in those two years, but I will mention a couple of really awesome things. First of all, our oldest son Caleb and our oldest daughter Abby both accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior of their lives. I can't begin to express how excited that makes Jeff and I and how exceedingly grateful we are to the Lord for calling them to Himself. They are truly amazing kids and I can't wait to see what the Lord has planned for their lives.
Secondly, we are expecting our 4th child (3rd daughter) in just 2 weeks! We are all so excited and can't wait to meet her. I feel like I get to hold her every day, but I can't wait to hold her in my arms and kiss her sweet face.

I was blessed with a mother who loved to cook and taught me at an early age value and skill that I've used throughout my life when preparing meals for my family and friends. Now, I want to pass this on to you as we share together our love and passion for cooking. Here's what this blog is going to look like:

- original and family recipes
- cooking tips
- pictures of selected dishes
- categorizing of main courses, sides, etc.
- and a section called "cooking common sense" In this section I will address those little quick tips that most cookbooks never mention. Those little things that the "experts" assume we all know but when executed make the biggest difference in presentation and taste.

From time to time I will be featuring your recipes as well. So, let me hear from you! I want to answer your questions, help you be creative, and hear your thoughts and ideas as well.


Jeff Bumgardner said...

This is going to be fun. I've been encouraging Jody for years to share her passion for cooking with others. Now, everyone gets to share in what my family enjoys on a daily basis. One thing I've learned makes my wife such an amazing cook is that she is unwilling to cut corners. She will inspire you and help you to enjoy cooking more than ever.

Stay tuned! This is going to be a fun and rewarding blog. I can't wait for her to share some of my favorite recipes with you.

dragongourd said...

Love your blog, Jody. And I'm a real fan of fried okra, but we always fried ours in bacon grease. Mmmmmm.

Renae said...

I love your new blog. I think it is wonderful that you are sharing a little bit of "the south" with everyone. I am also glad that I get to see you. I miss you girl!! I am so excited for you about that new baby girl. I can't wait to see pictures. You should get Jeff to UStream you cooking so that people could watch and ask questions as you go. Love ya girl!!