Tuesday, April 24, 2007

What were they thinking?

Since I had a free minute, I thought I'd post another quick blog concerning something I'm sure all of us parents have dealt with at some point in time. Do you ever wonder what kids are thinking? My son, Caleb, did something yesterday that proves that kids really don't think things through sometimes. AT ALL!
When we moved here, we set up a section of our garage for the kids. It has a couch, toys, TV, board games, everything to keep them entertained while they're out there playing. So yesterday I obviously suspected nothing when Caleb continued to play for quite some time. I decided to go check and see if he wanted to play a board game or something with me. I instead got one of the biggest shocks he's ever given me (and that's saying a lot). Caleb, for whatever reason, decided he wanted the wall in the garage to be brown instead of white. He had gotten an old can of paint that hardly had anything left in it, a paint brush, and proceeded to paint the wall. Oddly enough, he was actually doing a pretty good job. Needless to say, I decided the best thing for him at that moment was to go to his room (and out of sight...) while I cooled down. On the positive side, I was glad it was the garage and not in the house. After a long talk, (although the look I gave him earlier probably sufficed) I don't think he'll ever be pulling that stunt again.
And of course, the first thing out of my husband's mouth when I told him about it was, "What was he thinking?" Will we ever have that answer? I don't think so.


Jeff Bumgardner said...

Whatever he was thinking, he won't be doing it again...I can tell you that much.

Kelly Ritter said...

hahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love it!!!!!!!!
Jeff what's with the picture????