Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Sleepless Nights

Why am I up blogging past midnight? I just couldn't sleep tonight. Or..... could it be that I'm just being such a good pal hanging out with Alex the hamster while he runs on his little wheel? It's been a crazy few days. Ella has been sick; fever, runny nose, croupy cough, and now Caleb feels sick. My parents are flying in on Sunday morning and we're flying out Sunday afternoon for the convention. I'm so excited about them coming. I'm excited about the convention, but I'm also excited about getting back and spending time with mom & pops. I sure do miss my family. Just knowing we're so far away makes me really sad sometimes. But I know God has a plan for us and we want to be exactly where he wants us. I'm also thankful for all of the wonderful friends we've made in all of the places God's used us. Isn't it neat to think how God has this path for us and if we stay faithful and follow that path, he has amazing blessings for us? I've seen so many in our ministry so far and I can't wait to see what else he has in store for us. I mean, who would have thought we'd be living in southern California one day. I sure didn't.
Well, I guess I'll sign off and try to get some rest. I'll send some new recipes soon. Thanks again for reading!


normat said...

Jody.. hope the kids are feeling better by the weekend. Will be hard to leave as soon as your parents arrive - hope you have a great visit when you get home from the convention. If I don't see you Wednesday - see you in San Antonio!

Jody Bumgardner said...

Thanks! Ella's fever is a little down today so maybe she's on the mend. I hope to see you Wednesday!